Monday, January 10, 2011

When the Bedu's ball shrink!

The Arabic Network for Human Rights Information today, strongly rejected the Ministry of Culture and Information decision on January 1st , 2011 to approve the new executive regulation of electronic publishing, which contained 20 articles dealing with electronic publishing with the same restrictive manner in dealing with newspapers and publications in the Saudi system for publishing and publications.

The regulation contains items to organize all types of electronic publishing including blogs, forums and short messaging . Internet users have succeeded in creating forums to express their views more freely than in paper publications, with less control imposed by the authorities. This regulation came to limit freedom of of opinion and expression on the Internet. Article # 7 stipulates a permit for electronic publication to be granted by the Ministry of Information!

Eccentric enough, this article stated that the applicant for the permit should be over 20 years of age , thereby depriving a large segment of bloggers and Internet activists, under 20 , from exercising their right to expression and freedom to use the Internet . Moreover , the permit is valid for 3 years only.Saudi's Internet license crap
go here for the rest of the article.

My take
The Bedouin king of doom really scare of late. Their highly guard flock whose happens to educated/travel oversea (and broader their thinking from the "typical cultural enforced veil" and many silly rule which block their mind), little by little has come to their senses. It begun to brush their subconscious about the system put in place before their very eyes, on how notorious absurd it was even to do a simple menial task back home. This is getting more apparent nowadays. And when the young law academician by the name Mohammed Abdulkarim publish the on line regarding possibility of a power struggle inside the ruling family, then it all hell break loose in Riyadh so to speak!

Actually, this is no news nor anything new really for those in the know but in this land, where almost everything been (conveniently) put as taboos then it was like an atomic bomb blast above the holly land where the unholy king, the court of Al Saud and their cohort rule and plunder the state coffer. While this saddos live extravagant in their court and spend lavishly oversea, their so call subjects live in a such conditions unthinkable for such rich country, corruptions, patronage, lack of employments and the old womenfolk are begging in the street etc. Perhaps it gonna do a big shock if this people knew about the price tag of the gift that the King of Spade gave Obama( as well as to his family) not so long ago. A whooping hundred thousand petrol Dollar!

To summed it short, the court of Bedouins are not really dumb as dumbbell at least not their fat asses advisors for sure, and the wind that brew from Tunisia since late last year surely scare the shit out of 'em. Granted they are not dumb but far from been wise really. Therefore they choose to block the access by mean of restricting access to the new media, after all they seam to do it well on the old media as the newspapers are nothing but dead all dead in donkey's years.

Perhaps they got the idea from "a bunch of kids" who just graduate from the western varsity. These people has no idea of how the Internet really work! They are doom to fail and their moved will cost 'em more them to save their asses. Mark my work.

And the best part is, now the infamous Imelda Marcos of the Arabia are safely in their land together with tons of gold, robbed(as all and decades of looting and blood sucking is not enough still) from the central bank shortly before feeing the country (according to the French intelligence source). This former Tunisia’s Madame La Présidente really make the Grace Mugabe look a slightly modest but then in the eyes of Kingdom of Bedouins, this is nothing..

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Typical Indian

the bloody truth..
First of all, I would says much of this ain't no news at all nevertheless it's a much awaited truth out of the ludicrous crap brouhaha of the world's largest democratic country. For years those silly Indian policeman and woman and their not so much different Intelligent agencies been quick to points finger to group in their own motherland for anything and everything that went wrong. It's getting much more easier for 'em after the sept 11 when the western counterpart "coin" the term terrorist stuff. Their investigation and report came out in a super fast perhaps rival to things that was appeal in Hindi's films. That wasn't unusual nor ring no bell if you know what I mean. Too much silly stuff or ridiculous exaggeration wouldn't make much different coz the viewer couldn't tell the different anyway.That was the norm in their society. So to cut it short when you read the much embarrassment of the Commonwealth game's apartment no ready but the toilet full of excrement while there's still no running water! For the god shake half of the population don't even have access to toilet left alone a proper sanitation.

Uh-huh enough with these shit crap's thingies but then let talk about another crap which no any less crappy the the former I must say. Indian is full of crapped! ok enough!

So, since the terrorists and terror is a much sough after terms to justify and link and associate may events, event when it's merely act of criminals or their countrymen who's too drunk on cheap and lethal home brew beverage's, they will blame Muslim. They would simply run into the streets and pick up any poor Muslim nearby or who happen to be in any sort of association at all, put then in jails (and frankly speaking) trow the keys. Unfortunately this is the beginning of suffering and long hours interrogation and tortured. Many Muslim youth has spend a few year holidaying in prison for many years for a crime that they got nothing to do, yet the Hindu group who's proven to be more violent and mean where left untouched, not even a slices of suspicious arose from this large terror groups altho their actions and indoctrinations clearly could justify any merit of investigation at any reasonable sense of course.

Anyway to cut it short, despite all the set back of the so call Indian typical system, god willing the truth finally prevail..and it came from the most unlikely source at all. From the those who committed the crime himself... he has spilled the beans.

some of story
Kaleem, a cell phone seller, was arrested and tortured in 2007 for a blast at Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad. He spent a year-and-half in jail before being acquitted. Soon after, he was back in jail on another charge, when he met Swami Aseemanand. The Swami was struck by the boy’s kindness. When he heard that Kaleem was blamed for a blast that he and his comrades had done, he was profoundly affected and decided to confess as an act of penance.

read it here
And yess it not gonna end there, some Indian typical soap opera and films alike flooding the news with their half bake argument in the typical knee jerk reaction like they always do.

It's never cease to amuse me really. What say you?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Finaly the arrogant sheikh and their entourage bow down into reality expected

After the 'bow and scrape' for 6 to 7 years and totally disregard about the financial risks, now Dubai finally have to embrace realities...
So, my billions dollar question is where the heck is your so call smart high esteem western consultants huh? Those guys would says what ever you would like to hear...a classic example never the less. Postponing debt repayments is just a lame excuse of corporate PR damage control, the bigger picture is default. A default is a default and that about it. Too much wasteful spending,,too much excessive showoff and egos, too many idiotic dictate the policy and running the show, with the easy oil dollar went into smoke, leaving a tremendous debts for generation to come... The Arabs are screwed!

Pity those people on the streets...and those who's bought the properties..and the list goes on and on. 

DUBAI/NEW YORK (Reuters) – Dubai said on Wednesday two of its flagship firms planned to delay repayment on billions of dollars of debt as a first step toward restructuring Dubai World, the conglomerate that spearheaded the emirate's breakneck growth.

The sudden move by the Gulf government led Standard & Poor's and Moody's Investors Service to deeply downgrade several government-related entities. Moody's slashed some units to junk status and S&P said the restructuring could be considered a default.

The government's announcement, which said consultants Deloitte had been appointed to help with the restructuring, sent the cost of insuring Dubai's debt against default soaring and bond prices tumbling.

State-run Dubai World has $59 billion of liabilities, its subsidiary Nakheel said in August, a large proportion of Dubai's total debt of $80 billion.

Analysts expect financial support from deep-pocketed Abu Dhabi, a neighboring member of the United Arab Emirates, to keep Dubai afloat. But Dubai will likely have to abandon a flamboyant economic model that focused on heavy real estate investment and inflows of foreign capital.

"It's shocking because for the past few months the news coming out has given investors comfort that Dubai would most probably be able to meet its debt obligations, and most analysts were of the view that Nakheel's commitments would be met," said Shakeel Sarwar, head of asset management at SICO Investment Bank.


The government said in a statement: "Dubai World intends to ask all providers of financing to Dubai World and Nakheel to 'standstill' and extend maturities until at least 30 May 2010."

Moody's cut ratings on some government-related entities to junk status, while S&P cut ratings on some entities to one level above junk.

S&P said the restructuring "may be considered a default under our default criteria, and represents the failure of the Dubai government (not rated) to provide timely financial support to a core government-related entity."

Nakheel, developer of iconic palm-shaped residential islands owned by Dubai World, has a $3.5 billion Islamic bond maturing on December 14 and debt worth 3.6 billion dirhams ($980 million) due on May 13, 2010. Limitless, another Dubai World developer, has a $1.2 billion bond maturing next March 31.

The announcement appeared to be timed to minimize its impact on markets; it came after the stock market shut and just before the eve of the long Eid al-Ad holiday, which will close many firms and government offices in Dubai and the Gulf until December 6.

But the cost of insuring Dubai government debt against default with five-year credit default swaps soared, jumping over 100 basis points to 420.6 from a close of 318 a day earlier, according to CMA DataVision. Nakheel's Islamic bond prices fell more than 20 points to 87.

"The market had expected a timely repayment of the $3.5 billion sukuk and spreads had narrowed. This will destroy a lot of confidence," said Eckhart Woertz, economics program manager at Gulf Research Center.

Dubai's economy was hit hard as the global credit crunch over the past year ended a six-year boom in the region and sent the emirate's once-flourishing property sector into decline.

Dubai's announcement Wednesday shook the confidence of investors in government debt elsewhere in the region; credit default swaps for Abu Dhabi, Saudi Arabia and Qatar also rose, by more modest amounts.

Investor confidence in Saudi Arabia has been hit this year by up to $22 billion of debt restructurings at the country's Saad and Algosaibi groups.


In another move Wednesday which the government said was not connected to the Dubai World restructuring, Dubai raised a further $5 billion as part of a $20 billion bond program launched this year. The $5 billion was half of what it had previously said it would raise.

The $5 billion tranche, with a maturity of five years and paying 4 percent interest, was placed with two Abu Dhabi-controlled banks, National Bank of Abu Dhabi and Al Hilal Bank, officials said.

Dubai has said previously that proceeds from its bond scheme will underpin companies such as Nakheel, as part of its drive to build tourism as an alternative to dwindling oil reserves.

(Reporting by Rachna Uppal, Andrew Hammond, Matt Smith, Nicolas Parasie, Enjy Kiwan, Carolyn Cohn; Additional reporting by Ciara Linnane, Caryn Trokie, John Parry and Walden Siew in New York; Writing by Thomas Atkins; Editing by Andy Bruce, Andrew Torchia and Kenneth Barry)

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